Website updated!

Happy holidays! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that the preparations for the upcoming holidays are not stressing you out too much. 

Take a breather! Take in the season’s colors and beauty, children’s laughter, the cool and crisp air, and the joy of seeing loved ones!

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving; my younger daughter hosted us this year. It was fun helping her with all the preparations. I am now gradually shifting gears for the upcoming Advent and Christmas seasons. While I wait to put up the Advent lights, I have been working on squaring things with my business as we reach the end of the year and planting seeds for the next year.

Today, I updated my website’s lender, title, and inspector information.  The tab for it has finally been finished! Are you curious about it? Here is the link for you to check it out:

Let me know your thoughts, and of course, if you have a referral for a vendor, send it my way.  I will be updating the contractor section and adding a handyman block… SOON…lol!


Are you a vendor? Could you help my clients? Let’s talk! Help me Begin their home journey or improve their homes.


Happy Holidays!