This past February, I attended the RE/MAX annual convention, better known as R4, for the first time. What an exciting and energetic event. On my first day, I walked 7 miles; I was there for four days. When the event was done, I was very tired. Here are a few things I learned and experienced.
There is power in numbers; RE/MAX is present in 110 countries/territories, and we have over 144k agents. You are reading this correctly; we are RE/MAX GLOBAL. Name a country, and we have an agent there. At the convention, there were over 10, 000 agents representing 75 nations. I met 120 agents from faraway regions such as Australia, Botswana, Egypt, South Korea, and my favorite, MONGOLIA! It was so cool. Many agents wore authentic native garbs for the procession of nations!
The NEVERS of LIFE: Never stop learning, never quit, and never lose your FAITH!
Never stop learning, never stop growing and never lose your faith. Things in life can be trying and tragic but do not quit. At the convention, we have a plethora of classes covering topics such as professional growth, managing your business and time, savvy business practices, maintaining a family-centered/ balanced life, as well as prioritizing your health. We had high-caliber speakers such as Bear Grylls, Joe Dorenbos, Jared James, Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour, Nick Bailey, and of course, RE/MAX co-founder Dave Liniger. The messages shared with us touched each one of us in unique ways, and it did not take long to see their importance. Shortly after the convention, I learned of two agents, new friends, who found themselves in a life-and-death situation; one had stage 4 cancer, and one suffered a stroke. Nothing like these two events to put life in perspective; we had just been celebrating our accomplishments of life/ the year, and now in a heartbeat, life-and-death decisions were being made.
It was strengthening to see the village’s power present at the convention and how much it could be achieved. The efforts of the agents present, as well as all our other counterparts, reached phenomenal strides in our fight against childhood cancers. Our combined efforts have raised millions to support Children’s Miracle Network. Most of the time, we do not see the effect of our contribution; we think it’s just a small amount compared to the cost of treating cancer. We were blessed to meet a young child directly impacted by our fight against cancer. Seeing such a young child fighting for her life brought tears to my heart. YOU, trusting me as your agent, contributed to that child having a second chance in life and her parents seeing her grow up. THANK YOU. Every home sold and bought joins the fight to find a cure for cancer.
THANK YOU for trusting me. Every home SOLD or BOUGHT supports this charity!
RE/MAX runs on coffee, wine, dessert, and laughter
R4 conventions and events required great energy, planning, preparation, flexibility, and creativity. The MGM Grand Casino teamed with the RE/MAX organization, did a phenomenal job setting up the registration parlor, classrooms, conference centers, concert halls, dining facilities, vendors hall, international parade, Children’s Miracle Network mini house, and video recording platform. There was always something to do, see, and experience. They did an outstanding job.
We RE/MAX agents run on coffee, wine, and dessert. Service was outstanding. The food was delicious, and there was always plenty to eat and drink. We were served wonderful meals to celebrate our accomplishments, and deserts were out of this world. Some agents went the extra mile and brought authentic coffee from their home country. I was fortunate to receive two samples of Costa Rican and Dominican coffee. The aroma is so wonderful.
It was a wonderful and memorable time. I can’t wait for the next time I get to go. It was great to meet so many wonderful people. A heartfelt thank you to all who made this convention possible and to all the professionals who came to celebrate. It was great to share with you and my office.