PUPPY Loooooove

Hard to believe these little babies are about to turn 5 weeks old on Sunday! Where did the time go???  I have been meaning to blog about them but have been a little busy taking care of them.  They are absolutely precious and silly.

Now that they are more mobile, we are gradually discovering the great outdoors and we love it!  A few days ago, they spent 5 minutes in the backyard.  They were terrified.  Yesterday, we could not go out because it was raining.  Today, 30 minutes outside chasing mama, playing hide-and-g0-seek with each other, and chasing Sammy, Dasha, and Shadow.  They had a ball.  When we brought them in, they were tuckered out.


Princess has been a trouper since day one!

Pups are adorable and silly.  They love to sleep, eat, bite you and cuddle… they also love to sleep and give wet kisses?

Would you be My Valentine?

My siblings and I were born on Valentine’s Day. We are a bundle of love, joy, and energy.  

It's amazing what a mama will do for her babies. Princess is very patient with her pups. She sits or lays down to make sure they get fed. The way the pups eat, you think they have never been fed. It's crazy how they tug and tug on poor Princess. Oh a mama's love is indeed unique

Tasty Breakfast

This little fella here got sick several days ago and was not a happy camper.  Fortunately, I caught it early.  He has something call Puppy Strangle.  I had never heard of that.  Poor baby could not move his neck. It looked like he has slept with his neck crocked.

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Give me mine on the rocks!

I need coffee and these little piggies need milk supplements!.  They eat so much that their poor mama cannot keep up with them.  When I took the sick pup to the vet, the vet insisted that the pup was over three weeks old because he was so alert big, and mobile. 

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Puppy Love * Puppy Love * Puppy Love *