Learning to Blog

Blogging -101

walking through the fog of learning to set up a website and a blog, as well as learning to blog!

I am learning how to set up my blog/website by following You tube tutorials from Tyler Moore and by someone names The Blog Starter.  I have been working on this project for weeks now.  It has been a rewarding and stressful time all together.  I have made it this far but still have a long way to go.  I am proud of how far i have made it and I am thankful for the available support.  

By Luisa Sipple

Blogging feels like an overwhelming task to overcome.  Setting up a website and/or a blog, seems a crazy idea more impossible than possible to achieve.  However, I decided that I was going to try it again.  I set up a website before, several years ago.  It was nothing to be proud off except that an amateur had constructed it with very little guidance.  This time around, the website and the blog appear so much more professional.  The tutorials from Tyler Moore and Scott have been life savers. The customer service from Word Press and Hostgator has been invaluable.  Thank you Tyler Moore and Scoot for the You Tube tutorials.

At this very moment, I am working on setting up the BLOG.  I have several sections in the website to edit with my personal and professional information.  I will be updating all those sections once every page in the website has at least its basic sections set up.  As I progress from one page to another, I am more and more surprise of what I am capable when I simply try.  To have made it this far seems unbelievable. 

While I am gathering data for may webpage sections, I have been categorizing it into 8-10 sections for the blog.  As I develop the ideas and categories, I am attentive to possible blog contributors.  I have been fortunate to have proliferate network of friends, family, clients and colleagues.  I have asked several of my clients and friends for help to write articles on specific topics according to their skills, employment or area of expertise. 

The idea behind the blog is to offer a site where families relocating to the area can learn about the communities, school, parks, amenities and entertainment in our regions and about our  surroundings, whether they are in the midst of a local move or one across the world.

Learning to blog, learning to set up a blog and website has been great and a rewarding experience as I progressed through the process.  I can’t wait to see the final product.

What are you learning to do? What challenge have you taken on?  Has the challenge been worth it?  What would you change of your experience?  Have you dound support or are you doing this alone? 

Working on the project has had or has created several challenges that have open the opportunity to help me improve my computer skills as well as my overall confidence.  With the acquired skills, I hope to help my family, friends, and clients.

Setting up a blog and blogging is not rocket science…but to someone like me with, who is not computer savvy, it does feel as if I am learning to navigate a rocket to out space.

space shuttle, rocket, lift-off

I am so excited to have made it this far.  I look forward to sharing information about our DMV communities, upcoming festivals/events, historical sites, parks, schools and who knows what else. 

I am also exciting about the possible contribution of friends and family.  Who knows, perhaps one day, it may be your post shared in the blog!  Do you have any ideas you would like to share with me/us? 

Spread the word






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