Learned how to add categories to my blog

It has been a long week/month so I have not been able to work on my blog that much. Today, I decided to dedicate a few hours to it, as I have several sections to develop. One of the areas that I needed to develop is the CATEGORIES section of my website/blog. WELL, I just did that! I have set all the MAIN categories I need for each county. The next step will be to start doing the subcategories. These will develop with time as this section is what I call the organic part of the blog…it should grow, transform, develop as I progress in my skills and as I tell/show you about our great DMV area.






squirrel, verifiable kitten, rodent

Stay tuned...the more I learn about blogging, the more you get to know about our DMV region. The more you learn about our area, the better I prepare you to BEGIN THE HOME JOURNEY! #behinthehomejourney #luisasells #luisarocksblogs #learningtoblog #remaxhustle

avenue, away, nature

1 thought on “Learned how to add categories to my blog”

  1. keep going ….no quitting…learn from your mistakes …ask questions…seek out resources….

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