Doggy Love!

15 months ago, in this galaxy...

Yes, on February 14, 2021, Miss Princess gave birth to 10 beautiful pups in the midst of Texas’s worst winter storm, and all the Covid-19 restrictions.  Roads, stores, and many other places were all closed or completely emptied due to the terrible storm.  Hospitals were barely open, and vet clinics/shelters were nowhere open or operational.  Many people were forced to abandon their pets in their homes, as the emergency shelters could not take the pets in when families were rescued.

Princess and her other two 18-month-old pups had a home at my mother’s farm. However, by this time, my mother had already passed away, and her farm was in the process of relocating all farm animals.  No one wanted to take in three large dogs, much less a pregnant dog.  I could not leave any of them abandoned.  On the evening of February 12th, with the help of my Aunt Alicia, I temporarily re-homed Princess in her house and her older babies to my mother’s house in Houston; just in the wake of the storm that hit on the 13th.  Early, in the wee hours of the 14th, Princess gave birth to her pups.  Aunt Alicia was so happy but of course, worried.  She was not sure if Princess and the puppies were going to make it; the temperature was just frigid, there was no power, and no water.  My aunt had to make a temporary chimney to keep herself, her pets, and now Princess and pups warmed.  Late on the 15th, I was able to finally get around town to go visit my aunt and meet the pups.  Princess was shut a good mamma.  She was so loving and caring.  Unfortunately, one of the pups had been born outside of the makeshift shelter for Princess, and he froze to death.  We were so upset.  Princess cried, and cried.

On the 17th, my mother was laid to rest, and I had to head back to Virginia.  I could not leave Princess, and her babies behind.  My aunt could not take care of so many pets, and we did not know how long it would take for the weather to warm up.  On the afternoon of the 17th, after my mother’s funeral, my son Joshua, and I embarked on a grand adventure.  Joshua, Princess, Sammy, Cossette, 9 puppies, and I began the trek from Texas to Virginia via CAR.  It was quite a feat and a shock.  Princess, Sammy, and Cossette had lived their entire live in a 10+ acre farm; in the last 4 days, their world had been reduced to a 5×7 room, then to the back seat of a Honda CR-V.  Cramp had a new definition.


That the trip from Texas to Virginia was an adventure is an understatement.  The winter storm that had paralyzed Texas was tracking into the east coast just behind our heels.  Joshua and I took only the necessary breaks for food, walking, and bathroom breaks needed.

Once we made it into town, the adventure did not end.  I had to quickly convert one of the bedrooms in my house to a shelter for Princess and her pups while breaking in Sammy and Cossette to the house. All three big dogs were in shock by all the changes.  Sammy really has never recovered; he gets very anxious when he spends a great deal of time alone. 

On the way here, one of the pups died. We do not know what happened to her-we just found her dead. Princess was upset as well but also depressed.  She understood we were trying to help but there was a lot of pain and loss in the air. 

Once we had Princess settled, the fun of taking care of her, the puppies, and integrating Sammy, Cossette, and our pets began.  

Integration sounds easy, but the steps to do so, are a whole new ball game. Our poodle-mix dogs were scared of the three big dogs.  Our cats thought they had entered the twilight zone.  Princess, Sammy, and Cossette were used to having various animals around them but not so close to them, and in such cramp quarters.  

Gradually things fell into place.  The puppies were growing beautifully, and the task of finding them home was underway.  In a matter of weeks, all pups and all three big dogs had been placed with wonderful families.  Cossette was the first one to go to her forever home. She has a wonderful family that just loves her and has gone to great lengths to give her a safe, and comfortable home. It’s a joy to see her happy, and healthy.  Sammy was next to be adopted, but he never really left home.  Three families adopted him but all three ended up with major life changes.  One family wanted to adopt him so he would protect the grandma, but Sammy was so forceful even when playing that he was more risk than a benefit.

Princess was also adopted, with the condition that she would go to her forever home once all babies were adopted. One by one, the puppies went to their adoptive homes, and the day for Princess to leave arrived.  It was a sad and quiet day in our home.  There were no puppies to hold, Sammy was lonely, and now Princess was gone.  Our lives were forever changed and we did not realize it until the quietness ran throughout our house.  

The eight puppies that survive were all adopted by local families in our area.  Two were adopted and were going to be trained as service animals.  Three were adopted to be companions to other pets and children.  One was adopted as the family had recently had a pet die. One was adopted simply because he was just adorable and unique from the other pets.  He was the only husky-looking pup of the litter!    

About a month after all puppies went to their forever home, Princess was returned to my family.  Her adoptive family loved her, and would have loved to keep her; however, she was 70 lbs of pure joy and energy.  When she was taken for walks, she would chase or try to chase squirrels putting her owner at risk, or putting herself at risk of getting hit by a car.

So, Miss Princess came home…to her forever home. Life was disruptive for a few weeks but we survived.  Sammy was happy to have someone he could relate to, and I was happy to have a little piece of my mother back with me.  

The last year, we have gone through some changes but fortunately, all changes have been for the best.  Princess and Sammy keep each other company.  Sammy has become a guard dog for the family, and Princess guards the little pups.  As time has passed, all 4 dogs and our two cats have reached some sort of peace treaty.  Everyone has a corner of the couch or the bed, and when we go for walks, we all get entertained.  Dasha loves to imitate Sammy and his antics when we go for walks. She seriously thinks, she can intimidate and pull like big dogs.  Shadow has gradually learned to walk close to Princess as she can protect her from big dogs.

Sammy still has anxiety; he really needs someone to calm him down.  When his anxiety gets the best of him, my shoes, clothes, boxes, and furniture pay the price. 

Princess has learned to share me with her two smaller sisters.  They don’t hiss at each other anymore.

The house is alive with all their crazy antics, and I could not imagine life without them!

Puppy Love