Blogging progress…

still working on learning how to set up the website /blog. It has been a while since I was able to work on my blog. I have been fortunately very busy lately. Today, I decided that I was going to work on it for a couple of hours. I needed a little refresher on the steps but it didn’t take long before I felt comfortable.

Another page has been updated. I am not sure of the details I have filled in but it is a start….one more step forward!

I also was able to edit the BOOK section by adding a few more book titles of books I like and books that I have recently read. A few days ago, I read a quote that got my attention. “Lee poco y seras como muchos..lee mucho y seras como pocos” Jose Antonio Leon.

this quote got my attention because I am not an avid reader but I do see the benefit of reading. I am working on reading daily.

1 thought on “Blogging progress…”

  1. keep working… every day apply 15-30 minutes to blog about a topic in a region nearby. It doesn’t have to be involved. It can be on any topic and the blog can be a short thought on a point or about a place. The important thing is that every day you blog a bit

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